At LWCC we believe strongly in the importance of prayer. While that plays out differently in the life of every believer, we provide opportunities to gather together to pray.
In addition to the scheduled times listed below, on Sunday mornings there is usually an opportunity for people to receive personal prayer after the worship service. If there is not and you desire personal prayer, please speak to anyone who was up front during the service and they can direct you to someone who would be happy to pray with you.
Intercessory Prayer
Saturdays 8:30am at LWCC​
Will be held in-person followed by a group Bible study.
2nd & 4th Thursdays, from 6:30-8pm at LWCC – House of Prayer
Please join the church for an evening of corporate prayer.
Prayer Chain
Our church has a network for prayer via email.
Email us with your requests and it will be sent out to our in-house Prayer Warriors to intercede on your behalf.